The Cold Between



F'lar stared after his half brother, his brows contracting with the keen anxiety he felt

"What can have happened?" Lessa demanded of the Weyrleader. "We haven't even told F'nor. We ourselves just finished considering the idea." Her hand flew to her own cheek. "And the Thread-mark—I dressed it myself tonight—it's gone. Gone. So he's been gone a long while." She sank down to the bench.

"However, he has come back. So he did go," F'lar remarked slowly in a reflective tone of voice. "Yet we now know the venture is not entirely successful even before it begins. And knowing this, we have sent him back ten Turns for whatever good it is doing." F'lar paused thoughtfully. "Consequently we have no alternative but to continue with the experiment."

"But what could be going wrong?"

"I think I know and there is no remedy." He sat down beside her, his eyes intent on hers. "Lessa, you were very upset when you got back from going between to Ruatha that first time. But I think now it was more than just the shock of seeing Fax's men invading your own Hold or in thinking your return might have been responsible for that disaster. I think it has to do with being in two times at once." He hesitated again, trying to understand this immense new concept even as he voiced it.

Lessa regarded him with such awe that he found himself laughing with embarrassment.

"It's unnerving under any conditions," he went on, "to think of returning and seeing a younger self."

"That must be what he meant about Kylara," Lessa gasped, "about her wanting to go back and watch herself ... as a child. Oh, that wretched girl!" Lessa was filled with anger for Kylara's self-absorption. "Wretched, selfish creature. She'll ruin everything."

"Not yet," F'lar reminded her. "Look, although F'nor warned us that the situation in his time is getting desperate, he didn't tell us how much he was able to accomplish. But you noticed that his scar had healed to invisibility - consequently some Turns must have elapsed. Even if Pridith lays only one good-sized clutch, even if just the forty of Ramoth's are mature enough to fight in three days' time, we have accomplished something. Therefore, Weyrwoman," and he noticed how she straightened up at the sound of her tide, "we must disregard F'nor's return. When you fly to the Southern Continent tomorrow, make no allusion to it. Do you understand?"

Lessa nodded gravely and then gave a little sigh. "I don't know if I'm happy or disappointed to realize, even before we get there tomorrow, that the Southern Continent obviously will support a Weyr," she said with dismay. "It was kind of exciting to wonder."

"Either way," F'lar told her with a sardonic smile, "we have found only part of the answers to problems one and two."

"Well, you'd better answer number four right now!" Lessa suggested. "Decisively!"

MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_000.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_001.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_002.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_003.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_004.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_005.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_006.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_007.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_008.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_009.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_010.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_011.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_012.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_013.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_014.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_015.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_016.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_017.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_018.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_019.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_020.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_021.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_022.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_023.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_024.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_025.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_026.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_027.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_028.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_029.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_030.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_031.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_032.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_033.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_034.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_035.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_036.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_037.htm
MCCAFFREY, Anne - [Pern 01] - Dragonflight_split_038.htm